Photo: Steven Cargill/Svensk Galopp
Nanako Fujita and Chilterns WJWC 2019-2.JPG

Nanako Fujita from Japan won the 2019 Women Jockeys' World Cup

Women Jockeys' World Cup 2022 is cancelled

4 June 2022 16:27

The international jockey competition Women Jockeys' World Cup at Bro Park, Stockholm, is unfortunately cancelled this year.

Women Jockeys' World Cup, launched in 2017, is one of the world's most popular events for female riders and has attracted competitors from all corners of the globe. The event is designed to expand international opportunities for professional female jockeys and to provide them with a platform to inspire future generations.

This year, however, Svensk Galopp has not managed to find a partner for the project. The event is costly and in the wake of the corona pandemic, it is necessary to make new priorities.

The event would have taken place at Bro Park in Stockholm, Sweden on August 2. The raceday will still go ahead, but without the female jockey competition.

Swedish female jockeys are at the forefront of their sport and 4 of the 10 most victorious jockeys in Sweden in 2021 were women.

More information can be found on the event website Women Jockeys' World Cup.

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